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Interface IBiDirectionalController

Contract for devices that expose IBiDirectionPort(s).

Assembly: Meadow.Contracts.dll
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public interface IBiDirectionalController : IPinController


CreateBiDirectionalInterruptPort(IPin, bool, InterruptMode, ResistorMode, PortDirectionType, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, OutputType)

Creates an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort on the specified pin.

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IBiDirectionalInterruptPort CreateBiDirectionalInterruptPort(IPin pin, bool initialState, InterruptMode interruptMode, ResistorMode resistorMode, PortDirectionType initialDirection, TimeSpan debounceDuration, TimeSpan glitchDuration, OutputType output = OutputType.PushPull)

Meadow.Hardware.IBiDirectionalInterruptPort: an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort for the specified pin

Meadow.Hardware.IPinpinThe pin on which to create the port.
Meadow.Hardware.InterruptModeinterruptModeAn InterruptMode describing whether or
not the port should be notify on change, and what type of change to
notify on. |

| Meadow.Hardware.ResistorMode | resistorMode | The ResistorMode specifying whether an external pull-up/pull-down resistor is used, or an internal pull-up/pull-down resistor should be configured for default state. | | Meadow.Hardware.PortDirectionType | initialDirection | | | System.TimeSpan | debounceDuration | The duration, with microseconds (µs) resolution, of the time to ignore state changes after a deliberate state change has occurred. Used to prevent unwanted state changes due to noise. Set to 0 if no debounce filter is required. | | System.TimeSpan | glitchDuration | The minimum duration, with microseconds (µs) resolution, of an initial state change to persist before it's notified as an intentional state change, rather than a spurious one. Use this to ensure that noise doesn't trigger an in interrupt. | | Meadow.Hardware.OutputType | output | |


Creates an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort on the specified pin.

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IBiDirectionalInterruptPort CreateBiDirectionalInterruptPort(IPin pin)

Meadow.Hardware.IBiDirectionalInterruptPort: an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort for the specified pin

Meadow.Hardware.IPinpinThe pin on which to create the port.

CreateBiDirectionalPort(IPin, bool)

Creates an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort on the specified pin.

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IBiDirectionalPort CreateBiDirectionalPort(IPin pin, bool initialState)

Meadow.Hardware.IBiDirectionalPort: an IBiDirectionalInterruptPort for the specified pin

Meadow.Hardware.IPinpinThe pin on which to create the port.