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Class Adxl362.StatusBitsMasks

Status bit mask.

Assembly: Adxl3xx.dll
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protected static class Adxl362.StatusBitsMasks



Indicates if data is ready to be read.

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public const byte DATA_READY = 1


Indicate when FIFO data is ready to be read.

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public const byte FIFO_READY = 2


Set when the FIFO watermark has been reached.

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public const byte FIFO_WATERMARK = 4


True when incoming data is replacing existing data in the FIFO buffer.

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public const byte FIFO_OVERRUN = 8


Activity has been detected.

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public const byte ACTIVITY_DETECTED = 16


Indicate that the sensor is either inactive or a free-fall condition has been detected.

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public const byte INACTIVITY_DETECTED = 32


Indicate if the sensor is awake (true) or inactive (false).

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public const byte AWAKE = 64


SEU Error Detect. 1 indicates one of two conditions: either an SEU event, such as an alpha particle of a power glitch, has disturbed a user register setting or the ADXL362 is not configured. This bit is high upon both startup and soft reset, and resets as soon as any register write commands are performed.

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public const byte ERROR_USER_REGISTER = 128