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Class Adxl345

Driver for the ADXL345 triple axis accelerometer +/- 16g

Assembly: Adxl3xx.dll
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public class Adxl345 : ByteCommsSensorBase<Acceleration3D>, IObservable<IChangeResult<Acceleration3D>>, IDisposable, IAccelerometer, ISamplingSensor<Acceleration3D>, ISensor<Acceleration3D>, ISensor, ISamplingSensor, II2cPeripheral

Inheritance: System.Object -> Meadow.Foundation.ObservableBase<UNIT> -> Meadow.Foundation.SamplingSensorBase<UNIT> -> Meadow.Foundation.PollingSensorBase<UNIT> -> Meadow.Foundation.ByteCommsSensorBase<UNIT>

System.IObservable<Meadow.IChangeResult<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>>, System.IDisposable, Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.Motion.IAccelerometer, Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISamplingSensor<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>, Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISensor<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>, Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISensor, Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISamplingSensor, Meadow.Hardware.II2cPeripheral



The default I2C address for the peripheral

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public byte DefaultI2cAddress { get; }


Current acceleration

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public Acceleration3D? Acceleration3D { get; }


Values stored in this register are automatically added to the X reading

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public sbyte OffsetX { get; set; }


Values stored in this register are automatically added to the Y reading

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public sbyte OffsetY { get; set; }


Values stored in this register are automatically added to the Z reading

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public sbyte OffsetZ { get; set; }



Minimum value that can be used for the update interval when the sensor is being configured to generate interrupts

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public const ushort MinimumPollingPeriod = 100



Read sensor

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protected override Task<Acceleration3D> ReadSensor()

System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>: Current acceleration### SetPowerState(bool, bool, bool, bool, Frequencies) Set the PowerControl register (see pages 25 and 26 of the data sheet)

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public void SetPowerState(bool linkActivityAndInactivity, bool autoSleep, bool measuring, bool sleep, Adxl345.Frequencies frequency)
System.BooleanlinkActivityAndInactivityLink the activity and inactivity events
System.BooleanautoSleepEnable / disable auto sleep when the activity and inactivity are linked
System.BooleanmeasuringEnable or disable measurements (turn on or off)
System.BooleansleepPut the part to sleep (true) or run in normal more (false)
Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Motion.Adxl345.FrequenciesfrequencyFrequency of measurements when the part is in sleep mode

SetDataFormat(bool, bool, bool, bool, GForceRanges)

Configure the data format (see pages 26 and 27 of the data sheet).

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public void SetDataFormat(bool selfTest, bool spiMode, bool fullResolution, bool justification, Adxl345.GForceRanges range)
System.BooleanselfTestPut the device into self test mode when true
System.BooleanspiModeUse 3-wire SPI (true) or 4-wire SPI (false)
System.BooleanfullResolutionSet to full resolution (true) or 10-bit mode using the range determined by the range
parameter (false).
System.BooleanjustificationLeft-justified when true, right justified with sign extension when false
Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Motion.Adxl345.GForceRangesrangeSet the range of the sensor to 2g, 4g, 8g or 16g

SetDataRate(byte, bool)

Set the data rate and low power mode for the sensor.

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public void SetDataRate(byte dataRate, bool lowPower)
System.BytedataRateData rate for the sensor
System.BooleanlowPowerSetting this to true will enter low power mode (note measurement will encounter more noise in
this mode).


Dump the registers to the debug output stream.

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public void DisplayRegisters()


  • System.IObservable<Meadow.IChangeResult<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>>
  • System.IDisposable
  • Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.Motion.IAccelerometer
  • Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISamplingSensor<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>
  • Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISensor<Meadow.Units.Acceleration3D>
  • Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISensor
  • Meadow.Peripherals.Sensors.ISamplingSensor
  • Meadow.Hardware.II2cPeripheral