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NuGet packageNuGet Gallery for Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Motion.ParallaxPir

The Parallax PIR detects motion via infrared. It emits a high signal over the data pin when motion is detected. The pin returns to a low state when motion stops.

Code Example

private ParallaxPir parallaxPir;

public override Task Initialize()

parallaxPir = new ParallaxPir(Device.CreateDigitalInterruptPort(Device.Pins.D05, InterruptMode.EdgeBoth, ResistorMode.Disabled));

parallaxPir.OnMotionStart += (sender) => Resolver.Log.Info($"Motion start {DateTime.Now}");
parallaxPir.OnMotionEnd += (sender) => Resolver.Log.Info($"Motion end {DateTime.Now}");

return Task.CompletedTask;

Sample project(s) available on GitHub

Wiring Example

The Parallax PIR sensor requires only three connections, power, ground and motion detection signal: