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NuGet packageNuGet Gallery for Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Light.Alspt19315C

The ALS-PT19-315C is a low cost analog ambient light sensor, consisting of phototransistor in a miniature SMD.

Code Example

Alspt19315C sensor;

public override Task Initialize()

// configure our sensor
sensor = new Alspt19315C(Device.Pins.A03);

//==== IObservable Pattern with an optional notification filter
var consumer = Alspt19315C.CreateObserver(
handler: result => Resolver.Log.Info($"Observer filter satisfied: {result.New.Volts:N2}V, old: {result.Old?.Volts:N2}V"),

// only notify if the change is greater than 0.5V
filter: result =>
if (result.Old is { } old)
return (result.New - old).Abs().Volts > 0.5; // returns true if > 0.5V change.
return false;

//==== Classic Events Pattern
sensor.Updated += (sender, result) =>
Resolver.Log.Info($"Voltage Changed, new: {result.New.Volts:N2}V, old: {result.Old?.Volts:N2}V");

return Task.CompletedTask;

public override async Task Run()
var result = await sensor.Read();
Resolver.Log.Info($"Initial temp: {result.Volts:N2}V");


Sample project(s) available on GitHub

Wiring Example

The ALS-PT19C is a simple analog device requiring only three connections: