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NuGet packageNuGet Gallery for Meadow.Foundation.Sensors.Atmospheric.Dhtxx

The DHT12 is a low-cost humidity and temperature sensor that communicates over the I2C bus. It measures humidity from 20 to 95% with an accuracy of +/- 5% relative humidity with a resolution of 0.1%. Temperature range is from -20 to 60 degrees celcius with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 degrees and a resolution of 0.1.

Code Example

Dht12? sensor;

public override Task Initialize()

sensor = new Dht12(Device.CreateI2cBus());

var consumer = Dht12.CreateObserver(
handler: result =>
Resolver.Log.Info($"Observer: Temp changed by threshold; new temp: {result.New.Temperature?.Celsius:N2}C, old: {result.Old?.Temperature?.Celsius:N2}C");
filter: result =>
if (result.Old?.Temperature is { } oldTemp &&
result.Old?.Humidity is { } oldHumidity &&
result.New.Temperature is { } newTemp &&
result.New.Humidity is { } newHumidity)
return ((newTemp - oldTemp).Abs().Celsius > 0.5 &&
(newHumidity - oldHumidity).Percent > 0.05);
return false;

sensor.Updated += (object sender, IChangeResult<(Temperature? Temperature, RelativeHumidity? Humidity)> e) =>
Resolver.Log.Info($" Temperature: {e.New.Temperature?.Celsius:N2}C");
Resolver.Log.Info($" Relative Humidity: {e.New.Humidity:N2}%");

return Task.CompletedTask;

public override async Task Run()
if (sensor == null) { return; }

var conditions = await sensor.Read();
Resolver.Log.Info("Initial Readings:");
Resolver.Log.Info($" Temperature: {conditions.Temperature?.Celsius:N2}C");
Resolver.Log.Info($" Relative Humidity: {conditions.Humidity?.Percent:N2}%");


Sample project(s) available on GitHub

Wiring Example

To wire a DHT12 to your Meadow board, connect the following:

DHT12Meadow Pin
SCLD08 (SCL Pin)
SDAD07 (SDA Pin)