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Class Sc16is7x2Extensions

Convenience extension methods for the Sc16is7x2 class

Assembly: Sc16is7x2.dll
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public static class Sc16is7x2Extensions


CreateRs485SerialPort(Sc16SerialPortName, int, int, Parity, StopBits, bool)

Creates an RS485 Serial Port

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public static ISerialPort CreateRs485SerialPort(this Sc16is7x2.Sc16SerialPortName portName, int baudRate = 9600, int dataBits = 8, Parity parity = Parity.None, StopBits stopBits = StopBits.One, bool invertDE = false)


Meadow.Foundation.ICs.IOExpanders.Sc16is7x2.Sc16SerialPortNameportNameThe Sc16SerialPortName name of the channel to create
System.Int32baudRateThe baud rate used in communication
System.Int32dataBitsThe data bits used in communication
Meadow.Hardware.ParityparityThe parity used in communication
Meadow.Hardware.StopBitsstopBitsThe stop bits used in communication
System.BooleaninvertDESet to true to invert the logic (active high) driver enable output signal