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Hello, Meadow.Desktop on Windows

Step 1 - Install .NET Runtime

Download and install the latest version of the .NET runtime.

Step 2 - Install Visual Studio

Download and Install Visual Studio 2022 for Windows to prepare your development machine. Community edition will work fine.

Step 3 - Add Meadow Visual Studio Extension

Open Visual Studio’s Extensions Manager and install the VS 2022 Tools for Meadow Extension.

Step 4 - Create your first Meadow application

In Visual Studio, open the Create a new project window. When you search for Meadow, you will see a list of project templates, click on Meadow.Desktop App (Wilderness Labs):

Create new Meadow Application

This Meadow.Desktop application creates a 320x240 pixel window saying Hello, World using MicroLayout.

Step 5 - Run a Meadow Application

Right-click the new project and select Set as Startup project

Meadow.Desktop App running

Step 6 - Check out additional samples

You can check more samples in our Meadow.Samples GitHub repo.

Meadow.Desktop.Samples GitHub Repository